About Us
Our mission is to bring our customers the highest and most delicious quality tea, while providing a personalized Bohemian experience. Our Tranquilitea team is dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction with our products, quality and experience.
Our Mission Statement

About The Owner

When I was younger, I always wanted to own my own business. Growing up in a household that was run by a former Marine and self-made entrepreneur like my dad was a big influence on that idea.
Tea came into my life when I applied to be a manager at a tea shop in Greenville, SC. I loved every detail about that job, from it's fun atmosphere and to the delicious teas I was surrounded by on a daily basis. I myself drank between 4-5 cups a day... and still do! There came the day when I heard my awesome job was closing. I was devastated because I had found something I was truly passionate about, and didn't want it to end. I refused to give up on this amazing drink and all the wonders it had brought into my life. So I began to channel my passion into the one thing I knew, tea! One year later, TranquiliTea Company was born!
- Mary Roberts, Owner
About The Partners
I have always been passionate about food and the creative aspects that comes with making something tasty. I knew that I always wanted to own a business and to use food as a way to connect with people in a meaningful way and to be involved in my community.
I got to know Mary through work. I have always been a tea drinker, admittedly though, I have gone back and forth between tea bags and loose leaf. Getting to know her sparked an interest to drink better tea and to be more knowledgeable about what I'm pouring into my cup. We decided to pool our skills together to expand Tranquilitea and thus a beautiful partnership was born!
Somaria Ali, Culinary Expert

About The Partners
Throughout my childhood, I have dreamt of owning a business. Building and belonging to a community of like-minded people with similar interests became my biggest goal in life. Trying different things and learning a little bit of everything, herbal properties and teas being one of them, I became what you would call "Jack of all trades, master of none". There I learned and read as much as my infatuations led me and have fluctuated over the years.
I also met Mary at work, and when I found out that she and I had similar interests and found out how knowledgeable and completely excitable she was about teas, I just knew that this was meant to be! We all talked and brainstormed and thus, I was brought on board to this wonderful new endeavor and I have no doubts of its success! To growth and a new experience over a nice cup of tea!
- Jacky Posada, Marketing